Recent statistics show an increase in engineering graduates, however companies are still finding it hard to fill vacancies. Channel News Asia looks into what is causing the Manpower Supply Singapore crunch.

According to latest data from the Singapore Yearbook of Manpower Statistics, there has been an increase in the number of engineering graduates in the last decade. The pool was supplemented by pioneer batches of students graduating from Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Technology and Design.

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Companies are finding it hard to fill engineering vacancies. According to Ministry of Manpower 2014 Job Vacancies Report, latest data shows that of the top 10 professional jobs with the highest number of vacancies, half of them were engineering related, including civil engineer,

According to Ministry of Manpower 2014 Job Vacancies Report, latest data shows that of the top 10 professional jobs with the highest number of vacancies, half of them were engineering related, including civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electronics engineer, industrial & production engineer and electrical engineer.

For three of these roles – mechanical engineer, electronics engineer and electrical engineer – about three-quarters of the vacancies were hard to be filled by locals.

Observers say one of the main reasons for the disconnect is the perception that the work is {rigorous and mundane|mundane and rigorous}.

Said Mr. Chong Kee Sen, president of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore: “It’s actually the initial journey that is difficult, challenging and appears to be a lot of effort – to have to put in the first three to five years, to strengthen the technical and engineering know-how. That part would be one of the reasons why if they see it at that level, then probably they feel it’s a very significantly difficult journey for them.”.

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